Lead provider API - 1.0.0
The lead provider API for DfE’s manage teacher CPD service
Base URLs
https://sb.manage-training-for-early-career-teachers.education.gov.ukCurrent environment
https://manage-training-for-early-career-teachers.education.gov.ukGET /api/v1/participant-declarations
List all participant declarations
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
filter | query | object | false |
Refine participant declarations to return. This consumes a ListFilterDeclarations schema. |
participant_id=ab3a7848-1208-7679-942a-b4a70eed400a&updated_since=2020-11-13T11:21:55Z |
page | query | object | false |
Pagination options to navigate through the list of participant declarations. This consumes a Pagination schema. |
page[page]=1&page[per_page]=5 |
Status | Description |
200 |
A list of participant declarations This response returns a MultipleParticipantDeclarationsResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A list of participant declarations
This response returns a MultipleParticipantDeclarationsResponse schema.
"data": [
"id": "01017c12-354b-4b2d-b621-3531ab729c43",
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"eligible_for_payment": false
"id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "ab3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"eligible_for_payment": true
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
"error": "HTTP Token: Access denied"
POST /api/v1/participant-declarations
Declare a participant has reached a milestone. Idempotent endpoint - submitting exact copy of a request will return the same response body as submitting it the first time.
Request body
This consumes a ParticipantDeclarationRequest schema.
Status | Description |
200 |
Successful This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema. |
422 |
Bad or Missing parameter This response returns a ErrorResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
400 |
Bad Request This response returns a BadRequestResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - Successful
This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "cd3a12347-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-induction",
"eligible_for_payment": true,
"voided": true,
"state": "submitted",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z",
"has_passed": true
422 - Bad or Missing parameter
This response returns a ErrorResponse schema.
"error": [
"title": "string",
"detail": "string"
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
"error": "HTTP Token: Access denied"
400 - Bad Request
This response returns a BadRequestResponse schema.
"bad_request": "string"
GET /api/v1/participant-declarations.csv
Retrieve all participant declarations in CSV format
Status | Description |
200 |
A CSV file of participant declarations This response returns a MultipleParticipantDeclarationsCsvResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A CSV file of participant declarations
This response returns a MultipleParticipantDeclarationsCsvResponse schema.
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
GET /api/v1/participant-declarations/{id}
Get single participant declaration
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant declaration ID |
9ed4612b-f8bd-44d9-b296-38ab103fadd2 |
Status | Description |
200 |
A single participant declaration This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema. |
404 |
Not found This response returns a NotFoundResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A single participant declaration
This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "cd3a12347-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-induction",
"eligible_for_payment": true,
"voided": true,
"state": "submitted",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z",
"has_passed": true
404 - Not found
This response returns a NotFoundResponse schema.
"error": "Resource not found"
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
"error": "HTTP Token: Access denied"
PUT /api/v1/participant-declarations/{id}/void
Void a declaration - it will not be soft-deleted
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the declaration to void |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Status | Description |
200 |
Successful This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - Successful
This response returns a SingleParticipantDeclarationResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "cd3a12347-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-induction",
"eligible_for_payment": true,
"voided": true,
"state": "submitted",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z",
"has_passed": true
GET /api/v1/participants/ecf
Retrieve multiple participants, replaces /api/v1/participants
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
filter | query | object | false |
Refine ECF participants to return. This consumes a ParticipantListFilter schema. |
filter[cohort]=2022&filter[updated_since]=2020-11-13T11:21:55Z |
page | query | object | false |
Pagination options to navigate through the list of ECF participants. This consumes a Pagination schema. |
page[page]=1&page[per_page]=5 |
Status | Description |
200 |
A list of ECF participants This response returns a MultipleECFParticipantsResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A list of ECF participants
This response returns a MultipleECFParticipantsResponse schema.
"data": [
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "0012345",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": false,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
"id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "martin.jones@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Martin jones",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "mentor",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": null,
"teacher_reference_number_validated": false,
"eligible_for_funding": null,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": false,
"training_status": "deferred",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
"id": "eb475531-bf08-48ae-b0ef-c2ff5e5bdef0",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "null,",
"full_name": null,
"mentor_id": null,
"school_urn": null,
"participant_type": null,
"cohort": null,
"status": "withdrawn",
"teacher_reference_number": null,
"teacher_reference_number_validated": null,
"eligible_for_funding": null,
"pupil_premium_uplift": null,
"sparsity_uplift": null,
"training_status": "withdrawn",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
"error": "HTTP Token: Access denied"
GET /api/v1/participants/ecf.csv
Retrieve all participants in CSV format, replaces /api/v1/participants.csv
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
filter | query | object | false |
Refine ECF participants to return. This consumes a ParticipantListFilter schema. |
updated_since=2020-11-13T11:21:55Z |
Status | Description |
200 |
A CSV file of ECF participants This response returns a MultipleECFParticipantsCsvResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A CSV file of ECF participants
This response returns a MultipleECFParticipantsCsvResponse schema.
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
GET /api/v1/participants/ecf/{id}
Get a single ECF participant
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the ECF participant. |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Status | Description |
200 |
A single ECF participant This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
401 |
Unauthorized This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - A single ECF participant
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
401 - Unauthorized
This response returns a UnauthorisedResponse schema.
"error": "HTTP Token: Access denied"
PUT /api/v1/participants/{id}/defer
Notify that an ECF participant is taking a break from their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to defer |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantDeferRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-defer",
"attributes": {
"reason": "career-break",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being deferred This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being deferred
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/{id}/resume
Notify that an ECF participant is resuming their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to resume |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantResumeRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-resume",
"attributes": {
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being resumed This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being resumed
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/{id}/withdraw
Notify that an ECF participant has withdrawn from their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to withdraw |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantWithdrawRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-withdraw",
"attributes": {
"reason": "left-teaching-profession",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being withdrawn This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being withdrawn
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/ecf/{id}/defer
Notify that an ECF participant is taking a break from their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to defer |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantDeferRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-defer",
"attributes": {
"reason": "career-break",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being deferred This response returns a ECFParticipantDeferResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being deferred
This response returns a ECFParticipantDeferResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "deferred",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/ecf/{id}/resume
Notify that an ECF participant is resuming their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to resume |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantResumeRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-resume",
"attributes": {
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being resumed This response returns a ECFParticipantResumeResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being resumed
This response returns a ECFParticipantResumeResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/ecf/{id}/withdraw
Notify that an ECF participant has withdrawn from their course
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant to withdraw |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantWithdrawRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-withdraw",
"attributes": {
"reason": "left-teaching-profession",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant being withdrawn This response returns a ECFParticipantWithdrawResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant being withdrawn
This response returns a ECFParticipantWithdrawResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "withdrawn",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/{id}/change-schedule
Notify that an ECF participant is changing training schedule
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantChangeScheduleRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-change-schedule",
"attributes": {
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"cohort": "2021"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant changing schedule This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant changing schedule
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
PUT /api/v1/participants/ecf/{id}/change-schedule
Notify that an ECF participant is changing training schedule
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id | path | string | true |
The ID of the participant |
28c461ee-ffc0-4e56-96bd-788579a0ed75 |
Request body
This consumes a ECFParticipantChangeScheduleRequest schema.
Request example
"data": {
"type": "participant-change-schedule",
"attributes": {
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"cohort": "2021"
Status | Description |
200 |
The ECF participant changing schedule This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema. |
Response examples
200 - The ECF participant changing schedule
This response returns a ECFParticipantResponse schema.
"data": {
"id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"type": "participant",
"attributes": {
"email": "jane.smith@some-school.example.com",
"full_name": "Jane Smith",
"mentor_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"school_urn": "106286",
"participant_type": "ect",
"cohort": "2021",
"status": "active",
"teacher_reference_number": "1234567",
"teacher_reference_number_validated": true,
"eligible_for_funding": true,
"pupil_premium_uplift": true,
"sparsity_uplift": true,
"training_status": "active",
"training_record_id": "bb36d74a-68a7-47b6-86b6-1fd0d141c590",
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"updated_at": "2021-05-31T02:22:32.000Z"
Request was missing data or contained invalid data
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bad_or_missing_parameters | array | true |
An error message for each bad or missing attribute describing the problems |
Bad Request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bad_request | string | false |
An error message for bad request |
"errors": [
"title": "Bad request",
"detail": "correct json data structure required. See API docs for reference"
The details of a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant record |
type | string | true |
The data type |
attributes | object | true |
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant It conforms to ECFParticipantAttributes schema. |
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
string | true |
The email address registered for this ECF participant |
full_name | string | true |
The full name of this ECF participant |
mentor_id | string | false |
The unique identifier of this ECF participants mentor |
school_urn | string | true |
The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the school that submitted this ECF participant |
participant_type | string | true |
The type of ECF participant this record refers to Possible values:
cohort | string | true |
Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
status | string | true |
The status of this ECF participant record Possible values:
teacher_reference_number | string | false |
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) for this ECF participant |
teacher_reference_number_validated | boolean | false |
Indicates whether the Teacher Reference Number (TRN) has been validated |
eligible_for_funding | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant is eligible to receive DfE funded induction |
pupil_premium_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to pupil premium |
sparsity_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to sparsity |
training_status | string | true |
The training status of the ECF participant Possible values:
training_record_id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant training record |
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The schedule of the ECF participant Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the ECF participant was last updated |
An ECF participant change schedule action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | true |
The data type Possible values:
attributes | object | true |
An ECF participant change schedule action It conforms to ECFParticipantChangeScheduleAttributes schema. |
"type": "participant-change-schedule",
"attributes": {
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
An ECF participant change schedule action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The new schedule of the participant Possible values:
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
cohort | string | false |
Providers may not change the current value for ECF participants. Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"cohort": "2021"
The change schedule request for a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
An ECF participant change schedule action It conforms to ECFParticipantChangeSchedule schema. |
"data": {
"type": "participant-change-schedule",
"attributes": {
"schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor",
"cohort": "2021"
The details of an ECF participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the ECF participant record |
type | string | true |
The data type Possible values:
string | true |
The email registered for this ECF participant |
full_name | string | true |
The full name of the ECF participant |
mentor_id | string | false |
The unique identifier of the ECF participants mentor |
school_urn | string | true |
The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the school the submitted this ECF participant |
participant_type | string | true |
The type of ECF Participant this record refers to either ECT or Mentor Possible values:
cohort | string | true |
Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
status | string | true |
The status of the ECF Participant record Possible values:
teacher_reference_number | string | false |
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) for this ECF participant |
teacher_reference_number_validated | boolean | false |
Indicates whether the Teacher Reference Number (TRN) has been validated |
eligible_for_funding | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant is eligible to receive DfE funded induction |
pupil_premium_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to pupil premium |
sparsity_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to sparsity |
training_status | string | true |
The training status of the ECF Participant Possible values:
training_record_id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant training record |
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The schedule of the ECF participant Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the ECF participant was last updated |
An ECF completed participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique ID of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
evidence_held | string | true |
The type of evidence that the lead provider holds on their platform to demonstrate that the participant has met the retention criteria for the current milestone period Possible values:
An ECF extended participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique ID of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
evidence_held | string | true |
The type of evidence that the lead provider holds on their platform to demonstrate that the participant has met the retention criteria for the current milestone period Possible values:
An ECF participant retained declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique ID of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
evidence_held | string | true |
The type of evidence that the lead provider holds on their platform to demonstrate that the participant has met the retention criteria for the current milestone period Possible values:
An ECF started participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique ID of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
The details of a participant deferral request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | true |
The data type Possible values:
attributes | object | true |
An ECF participant deferral action It conforms to ECFParticipantDeferAttributes schema. |
An ECF participant deferral action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
reason | string | true |
The reason for the deferral Possible values:
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
"reason": "career-break",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
string | true |
The email address registered for this ECF participant |
full_name | string | true |
The full name of this ECF participant |
mentor_id | string | false |
The unique identifier of this ECF participants mentor |
school_urn | string | true |
The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the school that submitted this ECF participant |
participant_type | string | true |
The type of ECF participant this record refers to Possible values:
cohort | string | true |
Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
status | string | true |
The status of this ECF participant record Possible values:
teacher_reference_number | string | false |
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) for this ECF participant |
teacher_reference_number_validated | boolean | false |
Indicates whether the Teacher Reference Number (TRN) has been validated |
eligible_for_funding | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant is eligible to receive DfE funded induction |
pupil_premium_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to pupil premium |
sparsity_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to sparsity |
training_status | string | true |
The training status of the ECF participant Possible values:
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The schedule of the ECF participant Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the ECF participant was last updated |
The deferral request for a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
The details of a participant deferral request It conforms to ECFParticipantDefer schema. |
"data": {
"type": "participant-defer",
"attributes": {
"reason": "career-break",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
An ECF Participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
The details of a participant It conforms to ECFParticipantDeferResponseData schema. |
The details of a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant record |
type | string | true |
The data type |
attributes | object | true |
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant It conforms to ECFParticipantDeferAttributesResponse schema. |
An ECF Participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
The details of a participant It conforms to ECFParticipant schema. |
An ECF participant resume action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | true |
The data type Possible values:
attributes | object | true |
An ECF participant resume action It conforms to ECFParticipantResumeAttributes schema. |
An ECF participant resume action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
string | true |
The email address registered for this ECF participant |
full_name | string | true |
The full name of this ECF participant |
mentor_id | string | false |
The unique identifier of this ECF participants mentor |
school_urn | string | true |
The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the school that submitted this ECF participant |
participant_type | string | true |
The type of ECF participant this record refers to Possible values:
cohort | string | true |
Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
status | string | true |
The status of this ECF participant record Possible values:
teacher_reference_number | string | false |
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) for this ECF participant |
teacher_reference_number_validated | boolean | false |
Indicates whether the Teacher Reference Number (TRN) has been validated |
eligible_for_funding | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant is eligible to receive DfE funded induction |
pupil_premium_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to pupil premium |
sparsity_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to sparsity |
training_status | string | true |
The training status of the ECF participant Possible values:
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The schedule of the ECF participant Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the ECF participant was last updated |
The resume request for a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
An ECF participant resume action It conforms to ECFParticipantResume schema. |
"data": {
"type": "participant-resume",
"attributes": {
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
An ECF Participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
The details of a participant It conforms to ECFParticipantResumeResponseData schema. |
The details of a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant record |
type | string | true |
The data type |
attributes | object | true |
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant It conforms to ECFParticipantResumeAttributesResponse schema. |
An ECF participant retained declaration request body
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | object | false |
The request data Possible values:
attributes | object | true |
An ECF participant retained declaration It conforms to ECFParticipantRetainedDeclarationAttributes schema. |
An ECF participant retained declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique id of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
evidence_held | string | true |
The type of evidence that the lead provider holds on their platform to demonstrate that the participant has met the retention criteria for the current milestone period Possible values:
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "retained-1",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-induction",
"evidence_held": "training-event-attended"
A participant started declaration request body
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | object | false |
The request data Possible values:
attributes | object | true |
An ECF started and completed participant declaration It conforms to ECFParticipantStartedDeclarationAttributes schema. |
An ECF started and completed participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique id of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
An ECF participant withdrawal action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | false |
The data type Possible values:
attributes | object | false |
An ECF participant withdrawal action It conforms to ECFParticipantWithdrawAttributes schema. |
An ECF participant withdrawal action
Name | Type | Required | Description |
reason | string | true |
The reason for the withdrawal Possible values:
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
"reason": "left-teaching-profession",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
string | true |
The email address registered for this ECF participant |
full_name | string | true |
The full name of this ECF participant |
mentor_id | string | false |
The unique identifier of this ECF participants mentor |
school_urn | string | true |
The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the school that submitted this ECF participant |
participant_type | string | true |
The type of ECF participant this record refers to Possible values:
cohort | string | true |
Indicates which call-off contract funds this participant’s training. 2021 indicates a participant that has started, or will start, their training in the 2021/22 academic year. |
status | string | true |
The status of this ECF participant record Possible values:
teacher_reference_number | string | false |
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) for this ECF participant |
teacher_reference_number_validated | boolean | false |
Indicates whether the Teacher Reference Number (TRN) has been validated |
eligible_for_funding | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant is eligible to receive DfE funded induction |
pupil_premium_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to pupil premium |
sparsity_uplift | boolean | false |
Indicates whether this participant qualifies for an uplift payment due to sparsity |
training_status | string | true |
The training status of the ECF participant Possible values:
schedule_identifier | string | true |
The schedule of the ECF participant Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the ECF participant was last updated |
The details of a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant record |
type | string | true |
The data type |
attributes | object | true |
The data attributes associated with an ECF participant It conforms to ECFParticipantWithdrawAttributesResponse schema. |
The withdrawal request for a participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
An ECF participant withdrawal action It conforms to ECFParticipantWithdraw schema. |
"data": {
"type": "participant-withdraw",
"attributes": {
"reason": "left-teaching-profession",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
An ECF Participant
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
The details of a participant It conforms to ECFParticipantWithdrawDataResponse schema. |
An single error element
Name | Type | Required | Description |
title | string | false |
A title of the error |
detail | string | false |
Additional details of the error |
A list of errors
Name | Type | Required | Description |
error | array | false | It conforms to Error schema. |
Filter a list of records to return more specific results
Name | Type | Required | Description |
updated_since | string | false |
Return only records that have been updated since this date and time (ISO 8601 date format) |
created_since | string | false |
Return only records that have been created since this date and time (ISO 8601 date format) |
Filter a list of declarations records to return more specific results
Name | Type | Required | Description |
updated_since | string | false |
Return only records that have been updated since this date and time (ISO 8601 date format) |
participant_id | string | false |
The unique id of the participant |
A list of ECF participants in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | array | true | It conforms to ECFParticipantCsvRow schema. |
A list of ECF participants
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | array | true | It conforms to ECFParticipant schema. |
A list of participant declarations in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | array | true | It conforms to ParticipantDeclarationCsvRow schema. |
A list of participant declarations
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | array | true | It conforms to ParticipantDeclarationResponse schema. |
The requested resource was not found
Name | Type | Required | Description |
error | string | false |
This schema used to paginate through a collection.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
page | integer | false |
The page number to paginate to in the collection. If no value is specified it defaults to the first page. |
per_page | integer | false |
The number items to display on a page. Defaults to 100. Maximum is 3000, if the value is greater that the maximum allowed it will fallback to 3000. |
A participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true | It conforms to [] schema. |
"data": {
"type": "participant-declaration",
"attributes": {
"participant_id": "db3a7848-7308-4879-942a-c4a70ced400a",
"declaration_type": "started",
"declaration_date": "2021-05-31T02:21:32.000Z",
"course_identifier": "ecf-mentor"
The data attributes associated with a participant declaration response
Name | Type | Required | Description |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique id of the participant |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
eligible_for_payment | boolean | true |
[Deprecated - use state instead] Indicates whether this declaration would be eligible for funding from the DfE |
voided | boolean | true |
[Deprecated - use state instead] Indicates whether this declaration has been voided |
state | string | true |
Indicates the state of this payment declaration Possible values:
updated_at | string | true |
The date the declaration was last updated |
has_passed | boolean | false |
Whether the participant has failed or passed |
The details of a participant declaration
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant declaration record |
participant_id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant record the declaration refers to |
declaration_type | string | true |
The event declaration type Possible values:
declaration_date | string | true |
The event declaration date |
course_identifier | string | true |
The type of course the participant is enrolled in Possible values:
eligible_for_payment | boolean | true |
[Deprecated - use state instead] Indicates whether this declaration would be eligible for funding from the DfE |
voided | boolean | true |
[Deprecated - use state instead] Indicates whether this declaration has been voided |
state | string | false |
Indicates the state of this payment declaration |
updated_at | string | true |
The date the declaration was last updated |
A participant declaration data request for ECT participants from cohort 2025 onwards
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | false |
Possible values:
attributes | object | false |
This conforms to any of the following schemas: |
A participant declaration data request for mentor participants from cohort 2025 onwards
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | false |
Possible values:
attributes | object | false |
This conforms to any of the following schemas: |
A participant declaration data request for participants in cohort 2024 and previous years
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | false |
Possible values:
attributes | object | false |
This conforms to any of the following schemas: |
An participant declaration request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
This conforms to any of the following schemas: |
A participant declaration response
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true |
The unique identifier of the participant declaration record |
type | string | true |
The data type |
attributes | object | true |
The data attributes associated with a participant declaration response It conforms to ParticipantDeclarationAttributes schema. |
Filter a list of records to return more specific results
Name | Type | Required | Description |
updated_since | string | false |
Return only records that have been updated since this date and time (ISO 8601 date format) |
cohort | string | false |
Return only records for the given cohort |
A confirmation that the participant declaration has been recorded successfully
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | object | true |
A participant declaration response It conforms to ParticipantDeclarationResponse schema. |
Authorization information is missing or invalid
Name | Type | Required | Description |
error | string | false |